Printing and Publications
The district's printing and publication department serves in-district and out-of-district customers. We strive to provide quality service at a reasonable cost. We provide district-wide printing services including graphic design, bindery and digital printing. Call us and we can help you with all your printing needs.
Hours of Operation: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Office: SSC, room 35
Copy Center: SSC, room 44
Who to Contact
Name |
Title |
Phone |
Shelley Thornton-Simon |
Supervisor of Publications |
253-583-5131 |
Janet Elseth |
Graphic Designer |
253-583-5130 |
Shane Hillyer |
Copy Center Operator |
253-583-5132 |
Publications fax |
253-583-5138 |
How to Order
In-district printing can be ordered using the new PageDNA online ordering system.
The Printing and Publication's PageDNA Online Ordering brochure will give you step-by-step directions on how to log in and provide information on how to use the system.
If you have any questions, please call 253-583-5131 or 253-583-5130.
Out-of-district printing requests forms are available in the printing and publications office. These are used for personal printing or customers outside our school district.
To use the in-district print shop online ordering system click here to go to the online ordering system.
PageDNA Online Ordering Questions and Answers
Available Services
Quality Control
It is important that all materials coming from the district are professional and of high quality. If quality is a concern, we may contact the customer and discuss options for improvement before printing.
Page Layout and Graphic Design
Don't spend your valuable time trying to design a form, flyer or poster! Let the experts do it for you! As skilled users of publishing software, our designers interpret a customer's needs to communicate ideas on paper. With access to a multitude of resources, their talents are valuable assets that enhance the appearance of your projects.
Black and White Copiers
Our staff strives to reproduce documents within 48 hours or less. However, large or unique jobs may require days or weeks to finish, depending on the request. Our copiers can staple, hole-punch, fold and saddle stitch books. These options on the copier may reduce your cost.

Color Copier
The color copier collates and staples sets when needed. The cost of color copies is .15¢ per copy regardless of paper size. There is an extra charge for color or custom paper.
Wide Format Color Printer
For poster and banner requests, our department has a wide format color printer. We can design any poster or banner you need and print it right from our computers. The paper widths available are 24", 36" and 42". We also carry tear proof, outside vinyl, window cling and clear paper to meet your special needs.
We can also add grommets to your banner.
If you have a letter to mail, we can print, fold and insert it in your envelope. Up to three pieces may be inserted.
Finishing Touches (Bindery)
There are a variety of ways to finish a project such as comb binding, spiral binding, stapling, three-hole punching, folding and shrink-wrapping. The print shop can help determine options that will benefit you.
Cost Savers
Jobs with large amounts of text, such as handbooks, can take up many sheets of paper, adding costs to your job. You can reduce this cost by providing text electronically (preferably MS Word) and have the graphic designers design your project, based on your stated specifications. With our expertise, we can reduce the number of pages by manipulating the text and page layout.
Be sure to include any supporting files such as photos or graphs. These items will be needed for final output.
Fillable Forms
If you want to be able to fill out a form on the computer, we can help create electronic fillable forms.
Personal Printing
We can assist customers with their personal printing needs at a reduced cost (e.g., wedding or birthday invitations, graduation banners, baby announcements, etc.)

Meeting Deadlines
The printing and publications department experiences high volumes of work throughout the school year. Help us serve you better by planning ahead and submitting your job requests early!
When requesting your date for delivery, please factor in time for our district courier service. It takes a day to get to the print shop and a day to get back to you. Customers can also pick up their completed jobs in the copy center, room 44 in the Student Services Center. Be specific regarding your date required.
Due Date
Specify a due date. DO NOT use ASAP. Jobs without a due date have the least priority. Please help us by noting the specific date you would like your order.
Avoiding Delays
Contact the printing and publications department in advance to provide preliminary information about your project. Accurate details will correctly influence cost estimates and ensure a job is completed as requested.
Cost Estimates and Pricing
Our shop offers competitive pricing compared to commercial print shops or copy centers. If cost is a concern, keep requests simple and basic. Don't be afraid to ask how costs might be reduced.
Jobs are billed by the total number of copies made. For example: A customer submits a job with six single-sided originals and requests 20 sets, double-sided. The job is billed for 120 impressions. There is an extra charge for paper, if color or custom paper is requested. White 20 lb. paper is included in the per copy cost.
Examples of cost boosters:
- Specialty papers
Unique and/or heavier paper costs more.
- Color copies
Black ink is a standard color and the least expensive. Projects done in color are always more expensive.
- Manual labor
Unique jobs (such as folded flip-charts) cannot be completed by machinery. In such cases, manual labor is used and billable at an hourly rate.
- Number of originals and copies requested
Quantities alter labor and material costs, which will affect expenses.
Pricing - In-District:
Black and white copies = .012¢
Color copies = .15¢
Bindery (per hour) = $45-50
(depends on service provided)
Graphic design (per hour) = $50
18 x 24 poster (reg. paper) = $4.20
24 x 36 poster (reg. paper) = $6.60
Call for additional pricing.
Helpful Tips
Always provide originals whenever possible - not copies. Continual copies of copies do not look pretty! When sending the originals, please refrain from stapling them to the job ticket; please use a paper clip.
Use Black Pen
Do not use pencil or blue pen on material to be copied. These do not copy well. When you add handwriting on your originals, use black ballpoint pen.
Color Originals
Originals from a color printer are pretty to look at, but sometimes reproduce poorly. Originals from a color ink jet printer may work, but if the image on the paper is washed out, it cannot be darkened. If you can furnish a PDF digital file, we can print directly from your original file. If you have trouble, you can also save it as a high-resolution jpg. Call if you have questions.
Refrain from using tape over any copy. The tape may show up on the print.
Plan Ahead
It's always best to reorder early; don't wait until you've run out.
Allow Enough Time for Changes
Allow for extra time for jobs that require layout, proofing, editing, special binding and any type of hand assembly.
Be Clear
Clearly mark changes to be made, preferably in red ink. Do not make corrections to an old form on your computer. Mark up your most recently updated form so we can make the corrections on the current form on our computers.
Fill Out Job Ticket Completely
Fill out all areas of the job ticket COMPLETELY. If instructions are very involved, please send a sample of how you want your finished product to be reproduced.
Collate and Staple Information
If you don't check collate and/or staple on your work order, it will not be done.
Multiple Jobs on One Job Ticket
One job ticket may be submitted for several jobs. If you send in several packets with one ticket, you can use a Post-it on each packet to specify the number of copies, color, etc., instead of writing them all on the ticket. Just write the description of the job as a whole.
Each printed side of an individual sheet is considered one original.
The quantity area on the job ticket means the final number of letters, cards, pads, etc. you want, even if your job is a different size when cut down. For example, if you want 100 copies and your form is 2-up on an 8.5 x 11 sheet, you still need to put 100 as your quantity not 50. Our staff will determine the number of copies needed to complete your order.
Large Orders
If you have a large project, please include us early in your planning. Our assistance will make the project go much smoother and end up looking great.
Preordering Paper
We keep a large quantity of 20 lb., 8.5 x 11 white paper on hand. We also keep a variety of color paper and specialty paper. If you have an order requiring a large quantity of specialty paper, please call ahead so we can get the paper ordered so your job is completed on time.
Laser Printer vs. Copier
Laser printer copies from your desktop printer can cost three to four times more than copies from our high production copiers. This does not include the wear and tear on your desktop printer. Desktop printers are good for ten copies or less. Save your school and department funds by using your school or department copier or sending the job to us.
Typesetting Helpful Hints
- Use only one space after a period.
- Hold the shift key down when adjusting the size of a picture or graphic. This will keep the proportion of the images from being distorted.
- Reducing margins in your document might save the number of pages.
When sending electronic text to the print shop, MS Word is preferred. If you are using other software, please call us to discuss your options.
Save Time
Save yourself valuable time! Let us do what we do best! We have the most updated software and high-production computers to complete your projects.