Open Doors Catalog

Open Doors Catalog 

General Information

This course guide gives you information about all courses that may be offered in Clover Park School District's (CPSD) Open Doors Program. Open Doors may integrate and combine courses, and may change the sequence of courses, but its curriculum will still satisfy the same basic requirements as other district courses.

Success Counseling

One of the benefits of this program is a Success Counselor that will know you well and check in with you every week. The purpose is to provide you a resource to communicate needs and identify ways to support you in and out of school. You meet weekly with a success counselor. Success counselors support you in identifying and monitoring graduation goals, advocating for you, identifying and helping you navigate barriers to education, and developing relationships with your family to support your success.

Community Service Graduation Requirement

Students must earn five (5) hours of Community Service per school year in attendance at CPSD as one of their graduation requirements. Students may begin to earn these hours once they complete their eighth (8th) grade year. The five hours may be earned all at one time, or in any manner that meets the student's schedule, during each of his/her high school years, but must be completed prior to the student's participation in a commencement ceremony and the granting of a diploma.

Community Service is any service that is done for nonprofit agencies and organizations and/or religious organizations. School service is also included. To assure that the service is appropriate for this requirement, refer to the guidelines on the Verification of Community Service Form. If students have a problem with locating an agency or finding a way to meet this requirement, they should work with their success counselor.

Open Doors Program

Open Doors is a 1418 Youth Reengagement Program housed at Clover Park High School. The program offers an AM and a PM session for students to participate in a blended learning model with highly qualified teachers supporting student learning using Edgenuity online curriculum. Each student develops a personalized graduation plan which is tracked through weekly success counseling. Students may attend a daily schedule, or develop a special schedule to accommodate individual needs and barriers to attendance.

Students must make progress at least once every three months to maintain program eligibility. The Clover Park Youth Open Doors Reengagement Program uses the following progress indicators to define academic progress:

  • Earned credit of at least .25
  • Met non-credit graduation requirement
  • Pass state assessment requirement

Students graduate from the Clover Park School District Open Doors Youth Reengagement program with a high school diploma from the Open Doors Program. Students must complete the WA State graduation requirements for their cohort year as defined by the State Board of Education to earn this diploma. See Credit Evaluation charts on pages 4, 5 and 6.

School Program

Academic courses are defined as those in the department of English, world language, mathematics, science, social studies, and other courses. The State Board of Education determines the numerical value of letter grades: A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D+ = 1.3 A- = 3.7 B- = 2.7 C- = 1.7 D = 1.0 B+ = 3.3 C+ = 2.3 F = 0.0 A pass/fail option is used in place of the A-F grading scale in a course not classified as an academic course and not required for graduation. A Pass/Fail grade will not be figured in the grade point if a "P" grade is earned. An "F" grade will, however, be included in determining the grade point average.

Open Doors Program Credit Evaluation

Class of 2017
English - 4.0PE - 1.5
Health - .5
Elective - 4.0
Social Studies - 3.0
US History & Government
Contemporary World Problems & Geography
Contemporary World Problems & Geography
Math - 3.0Arts - 1.0
Algebra I
Algebra I
Geometry I 
Geometry ITotal Credits: 20
Algebra II or 
Algebra II or 
Science - 2.0Non-Credit Requirements
High School and Beyond Plan
WA State History
  Reading HSPE
Occupational Ed. - 1.0 Reading HSPE
Writing HSPE
Biology HSPE
  Math EOC

Security Measure

High School Course Requirements For College Entrance

All colleges strongly recommend a varied, in depth, academic course of study. Students should take as many "core" courses as possible: English, mathematics, science, social studies and world language. All student schedules should contain creative arts and skill courses to complement core studies.

Applications for admission to Washington 2-year and 4-year institutions are available on-line or from your counselor. Admission forms for out-of-state colleges must be obtained on-line or by writing to the admissions office of that institution. Complete the application forms and make arrangements with the counselor to send a transcript. Transcripts should be requested from the School Registrar.

The state supported four-year colleges generally require a 2.5 or higher grade average for your 9th, 10th and 11th grades. Private colleges often have no specific grade average requirements, but the higher your grades - so long as these grades are in academic courses - the greater your chances of being accepted and succeeding when enrolled. Community colleges in Washington require that you have a high school diploma and have passed a placement test. The following sample is considered a strong college preparatory schedule in the State of Washington:

Recommended Course Area

English....................................................4 years
College Preparatory Math..........................4 years
(through 2nd year Algebra or higher)
Science (2 years laboratory)........................3 years
World Language.......................................3 years
Social Studies........................................3.5 years
Arts.......................................................... 1 year
Additional Electives from the above areas...................... 1-1/2 full years

State Required Testing

Twelfth grade students (Class of 2016) and those classes thereafter in the state of Washington, are required to meet standard on the state required assessments. The purpose of these assessments is to measure student achievement against the grade level expectations that are statewide standards and is an assessment of a student's ability to understand and apply knowledge in Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Science. Students should check with their counselor about what is required for their specific graduation year as it varies. See Policy CPSD 2410 and



Exploring Art 1,2

One Semester: .5 credit
Credit for Graduation: Fine Arts or Elective
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 101101

Edgenuity Initial Credit: CPSD Introduction to Art The student studies art production, art history, art criticism, and aesthetics. Students recognize and use the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design in creating/ discussing and writing about art. Written assignments include routine critiques and other assignments.

Career and Technical Education

Business & Marketing I

One Semester: .5 credit
Credit for Graduation: Fine Arts or Elective
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 101101BUSINESS & MARKETING I
Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: CTE or Elective
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 902001 / 02

Edgenuity Initial Credit: Introduction to Business A Introduction to Business B Develop leadership, human relations and communication and presentation skills. Learn about business, economics, marketing and advertising. Gain an advantage in the job market by acquiring skills and techniques for employment in the marketing field.

Edgenuity Initial Credit: CPSD Introduction to Art The student studies art production, art history, art criticism, and aesthetics. Students recognize and use the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design in creating/ discussing and writing about art. Written assignments include routine critiques and other assignments.

Microsoft Office 1,2,3

One Semester: .5 credit
Credit for Graduation: CTE or Elective
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 653333

Microsoft Office Certification 1 teaches the Core competencies for PowerPoint and Word. These skills are necessary to earn Microsoft Office Specialist Certification which is valuable for employment and college scholarship applications. Students will create properly formatted PowerPoint presentations which display information such as text, images, graphics, charts, animations, audio and transitions. Students will also learn to create and edit professional-looking documents in Microsoft Word which involves basic skills such as creating tables, newsletters, mail merge and graphics. Learning includes configuring AutoCorrect settings, creating hyperlinks, and formatting tables of contents and indexes.

Career Choices

Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: CTE or Elective
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 742001 / 02

Edgenuity Initial Credit: Career Planning and Development Career Choices provides an opportunity to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes that contribute to success on the job. Students will understand their rights and responsibilities as employees.


English 9

Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: English
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 202101 / 02
Edgenuity Credit Retrieval: CPSD English 9 1st semester
w/Writing CA CR
CPSD English 9 2nd semester
w/Writing CA CR
Edgenuity Initial Credit: Common Core 9A IC
Common Core 9B IC

This course will emphasize those skills which will assist in the preparation for college placement, Advanced Placement classes/tests and state assessment. Students will develop analytical reading skills in literary and informational complex text. Writing instruction will extend development in the three writing types: narrative, explanatory and argumentative. In addition, students will develop skills embedded in the speaking and listening, and language standards.

English 10

Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: English
Prerequisite: English 9
Course Number: 202103 / 04
Edgenuity Credit Retrieval: CPSD English 10 1st semester
w/Writing CA CR
CPSD English 10 2nd semester
w/Writing CA CR
Edgenuity Initial Credit: Common Core 10A IC
Common Core 10 B IC

This course will emphasize those skills which will assist in the preparation for college placement, Advanced Placement classes/tests and state assessment. Students will develop analytical reading skills in literary and informational complex text. Writing instruction will extend development in the three writing types: narrative, explanatory and argumentative. In addition, students will develop skills embedded in the speaking and listening, and language standards.

English 11

Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: English
Prerequisite: English 10
Course Number: 202105 / 06
Running Start: ENG & 101
Edgenuity Credit Retrieval: CPSD English 11 1st semester
w/Writing CA CR
CPSD English 11 2nd semester
w/Writing CA CR
Edgenuity Initial Credit: Common Core 11A IC
Common Core 11B IC

This course will emphasize those skills which will assist in the preparation for college placement, Advanced Placement classes/tests and state assessment. Structured as an historical survey of American literature through the 19th Century, this course will concentrate on a variety of literary genre. The study of 20th Century American literature will increase understanding of literary motifs. Students will deepen analytical reading skills in literary and informational complex text. Writing instruction will extend development in the three writing types: narrative, explanatory and argumentative. In addition, students will develop skills embedded in the speaking and listening, and language standards.

English 12

Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: English
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 203207 / 08
Running Start: ENG & 107
Edgenuity Credit Retrieval: CPSD English 12 1st semester
w/Writing CA CR
CPSD English 12 2nd semester
w/Writing CA CR
Edgenuity Initial Credit: Common Core 12A IC
Common Core 12B IC

The first half of this course explores English Literature from Beowulf through the eighteenth century including units on mythology and Shakespeare. Emphasis is on man's changing view of himself and the universe. The second half of this course emphasizes Shakespeare to the present. Students will read Romantic era and Victorian era drama, short stories, novels, and poetry representative of the Romantic and Victorian periods. Students will read, analyze and synthesize complex literary works and nonfiction prose. Writing instruction will extend development in the three writing types: narrative, explanatory and argumentative. In addition, students will develop skills embedded in the speaking and listening, and language standards.

Writing For College 1, 2

Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: English or Elective
Prerequisite: English 11
Course Number: 209011 / 12

Writing for College is designed to support and scaffold the rigorous critical thinking, reading and research-intensive writing associated with a college-level course. Through the exploration of a variety of texts students will develop and refine research and writing skills over the course of multiple writing assignments. Additionally students will display their writing skills by analyzing poetry, reviewing short stories, exploring novels, developing effective arguments, and completing research of electronic databases, informational text and other text for academic appropriateness. Students will learn and use the MLA requirements for an accurately formatted annotated bibliography and research paper including in-text citation, and signaling phrases.

Fitness and Health

Personal Health

One Semester: .5 Credit
Credit for Graduation: Health
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 506202
Edgenuity Credit Retrieval: CPSD Personal Health + AED CR
Edgenuity Initial Credit: CPSD Personal Health + AED

High school health integrates a variety of health concepts, skills, and behaviors to plan for personal and lifelong health goals. Students develop skills that will make them healthliterate adults. These include awareness and consequences of risky behaviors, disease prevention, overall wellness, and identification of community health resources. Students are taught how to access accurate information that they can use to promote health for themselves and others. Their behaviors reflect a conceptual understanding of the issues associated with maintaining good personal health. Students demonstrate comprehensive health and wellness knowledge and skills. They use problemsolving, research, goal-setting and communication skills to protect their health and that of the community.


One Semester: .5 credit
Credit for Graduation: Fitness or Elective
Course Number: 500401
Edgenuity Credit Retrieval: CPSD Health and Fitness
Edgenuity Initial Credit: CPSD Health and Fitness

This course is designed to assist the student in developing positive attitudes towards physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, specifically, the lifetime benefits of walking. Emphasis is on self-esteem, weight management, nutrition, aerobic exercise, improving personal fitness, and total wellness for the whole person.


Algebra I

Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: Mathematics
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 300101 / 02
Edgenuity Credit Retrieval: CPSD Algebra 1 1st Semester CR
CPSD Algebra 1 2nd Semester CR
Edgenuity Initial Credit: Sum_15 Algebra 1st Semester
Sum_15 Algebra 2nd Semester

Algebra I is the first year in a three year college prep math sequence. Algebra I focuses on the structure of the real number system and examines symbolic representations in solving real-world problems. Linear functions, quadratic functions, systems of equations, statistics, and problem solving are investigated. Graphing, both as a means of displaying data and analyzing data in one or two dimensions, is an integral part of this course. Review is built into every section and unit of study. A sound foundation and pre-algebra skills is essential for success in this course.

Algebra II

Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: Mathematics
Prerequisite: Geometry
Course Number: 301103 / 04
Running Start: Math & 107 or higher
Edgenuity Credit Retrieval: CPSD Algebra 2 1st Semester CR
CPSD Algebra 2 2nd Semester CR
Edgenuity Initial Credit: Sum_15 Algebra II 1st Semester
Sum_15 Algebra II 2nd Semester

Algebra II is the third year in a three-year sequence of high school mathematics. This course will cover linear functions, quadratic functions, polynomial functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, radical functions and rational functions. The real number system is extended to include complex numbers. All topics are studied from an algebraic, graphical, numerical and exploratory approach. An emphasis on applications and appropriate calculator use will be integrated throughout the year.


Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: Mathematics
Prerequisite: Algebra I
Course Number: 304001 / 02
Edgenuity Credit Retrieval: CPSD Geometry 1st Semester CR
CPSD Geometry 2nd Semester CR
Edgenuity Initial Credit: Sum_15 Geometry 1st Semester
Sum_15 Geometry 2nd Semester

Geometry is the second year in a three year college prep math sequence. In this course you will develop a logical system of thought. Geometry focuses on plane geometry with integration of some space and coordinate geometry. This course develops geometric concepts using formal proofs and algebraic applications. Algebra is used extensively for areas, volumes, lengths, angle measures and graphing.

Financial Algebra

Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: CTE or Math
Prerequisite: Algebra or teacher permission
Course Number: 640101 / 02
Edgenuity Initial Credit: Sum_15 Financial Math (1.0 Credit .5 may
be transcripted at 50% completion)

In Financial Algebra, students will learn to evaluate management practices related to human, economic, and environmental resources. The effective management of current and future resources is stressed. Learning activities will help students make satisfying short and long-term decisions. Standards and competencies address financial goal-setting and strategies; household income, assets and debt management; preventing and resolving financial difficulties; and use of public resources. Teacher approval required. Parent/Guardian approvalrequired for 3rd year math credit.

ACT Math/3rd Year Math

Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: Math
Prerequisite: Algebra or teacher permission
Course Number:
Edgenuity Initial Credit: ACT Math I

This course is designed to assist the student in strengthening high school math skills a personalized course of study is developed to address learning needs for the student. ACT Math focuses on the structure of the real number system and examines symbolic representations in solving real-world problems. Linear functions, quadratic functions, systems of equations, statistics, and problem solving are investigated. Graphing, both as a means of displaying data and analyzing data in one or two dimensions, is an integral part of this course. This course develops geometric concepts using formal proofs and algebraic applications. Teacher approval required.Parent/Guardian approval required for 3rd year mathcredit.


Biology (9,10,11,12)

Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: Lab Science
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 401101 / 02
Edgenuity Credit Retrieval: CPSD Biology A 1st Semester CR
CPSD Biology B 2nd Semester CR
Edgenuity Initial Credit: Biology 2014 A
Biology 2014 B

This course emphasizes on developing those skills in science used in sequential science courses. Emphasis is placed upon the structure and composition of cells and the interacting processes that make life possible. A general introduction to cell growth and reproduction is followed by the basic principles of heredity and genetics.


Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: Lab Science
Prerequisite: Algebra I
Course Number: 403111 / 12
Edgenuity Initial Credit: Chemistry 2014 A
Chemistry 2014 B

This course studies the concepts dealing with chemical composition and changes of matter in nature including energy changes, reaction rates, and equilibrium in chemical systems. The structure of the atom and organic chemical principles are studied. Lab work is an important part of this course. Recommended for the college bound student.

Environmental Science

Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: Lab Science
Prerequisite: Biology
Course Number:
Edgenuity Initial Credit: Environmental Science (1.0 Credit .5 may
be transcripted at 50% completion)

Environmental Science is a course focusing on critical thinking and scientific analysis of current issues. Environmental Science integrates ethics, philosophy, law, and economics with ecology, chemistry, and geology.

Physical and Earth/Space Science

Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: Lab Science or Elective
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 404405 / 06
Edgenuity Credit Retrieval: CPSD Physical and Earth/Space Science A
1st Semester CR
CPSD Physical and Earth/Space Science B
2nd Semester CR

This course will emphasize those skills which will assist in the preparation for college placement, Advanced Placement classes/tests and state assessments. Course places emphasis on developing the skills in science that will be used in all sequential science courses. Emphasis is placed on an integration of physical and earth/space science. A general introduction to concepts will encompass nature and changes of matter, motion and energy, followed by exploring earth and space.

Social Studies


One Semester: .5 credit
Credit for Graduation: Social Studies
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 441001
Running Start: POLS & 202 or POLS & 208
Edgenuity Credit Retrieval: CPSD US Government SS3315 CR
Edgenuity Initial Credit: US Government IC

The United States Constitution is a living document. This course will examine both the historical and contemporary issues arising from its application.

Contemporary World Problems

One Semester: .5 credit
Credit for Graduation: 12th grade Social Studies
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 453201
Running Start: POLS & 203 or POLS & 230 or SOC & 201
Edgenuity Credit Retrieval: CPSD Contemporary World Problems CR
Edgenuity Initial Credit: CPSD Contemporary World Problems

This course examines world problems through the lenses of participation/citizenship, world/regional issues and the impact of the individual on world.

United States History and Government

Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: US History and Washington State History
and Government, 11th grade History
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 454101 / 02
Running Start: Hist & 157 and Hist & 158 or 159
Edgenuity Credit Retrieval: CPSD US History A
CPSD US History B
Edgenuity Initial Credit: US History II A IC
US History II B IC

The course studies United States History (postreconstruction). This course examines industrialization and the emergence of the United States as a world power including reform, prosperity/depression, World War II, the Cold War, International Relations, globalism and post- World War II domestic/ social/ economic issues.

World History and Geography

Full Year: 1.0 credit
Credit for Graduation: Modern World History
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 450201 / 02
Edgenuity Credit Retrieval: CPSD Modern World History A
CPSD Modern World History B
Edgenuity Initial Credit: Modern World History A IC
Modern World History B IC

Course examines Modern World History and Geography. The core topics of study are global expansion, the age of revolution, causes/consequences of international conflicts, challenges to democracy/human rights and the emergence/development of new nations.

Washington State History

One Semester: .5 credit
Credit for Graduation: Social Studies Elective
Prerequisite: None
Edgenuity Initial Credit: WA State History IC

This course examines WA State through the lenses of participation/citizenship, world/regional issues and the impact of the individual on world. This course is intended for transfer students who have not met the WA State History non-credit graduation requirement.

Additional Classes

Academic Seminar

Full Year: 1.0 Credit
Credit for Graduation: Elective
Prerequisite: None
Course Number: 620001/ 02

This course provides support for students who struggle academically and need assistance with conceptual understanding of academically complex material. This course is onsite only and is not offered through Edgenuity.